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Cow farmer, Assam
  • 5d
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  • Brennvidde50mm
  • Blender-
  • Nei
  • AnnetThis is a panorama built up from 5 images.
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Kritikker (6)
John H.
Det var voldsomt til panorama. Men virkningsfult var det. Minuset er nettopp at det er for mye. Selg kua og kutt telefonstiolpene til h. så blir det bra. Likte det veldig godt men det kan forbedres.
Anne Kari Berg K.
Eksotisk og flott motiv. Det flate landskapet gjør seg godt i dette avlange formatet. Fine farger, mye som skjer i bildet, fra kyrne som beiter, bestefar og barnebarn (?), trær og vakre, lette skyer. Skulle gjerne sett det større. Hvor er det egentlig?

Er usikker på om det vil tjene noe på cropping. Vil i så fall beholde kua - men kanskje kutte telefonledningene og få et landskap som virker mer uberørt.

mvh Anne Kari
Reidar V.
Hello Sam,
I really liked your panorama. At the beginning I thought it was to little contrast, but then I realized that it was the low contrast that somehow gave the image a certain calm and harmony - dreamlike. As other comments have mentioned, I too would have preferred a crop, just to the left of the last cow.
Thanks for shearing!

Sam H.
Thanks for the comments.

I can see now that the image does improve with a crop.

I had intentionally extended the image to include the wires on the right, as it is so common in India to see something very beautiful, contrasted against a pile of burning rubbish, or a stack of cables.

But I think it is correct to remove the wires in this case as the composition in this images does not suit them.
Joachim R.
Personally, I disagree with the cropping suggestions posted in the other comments. When looking at the thumbnail, it's easier to see the nice wavy horizontal line that runs through the picture. I think cropping this line further would detract from the dynamics of the composition. the sky is also quite nice on the right and I actually think the poles and cables are a nice touch.
Avsluttet .
great use of panorama. I agree with Joachim Rafaelsen on the poles and cables, they have a function in this picture
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