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Blei mye tom himmel her etter min smak. Ville ha kappet midt i himmelen over det lyse feltet i skyene pluss litt mer kontrast og litt USM
Georg K.
Couldn't agree less with the previous comment - this composition is just thrilling.
Not only thrilling - but excellent when thinking about transferred impressions - views.
How much can a photo show - compared with a regular sight ?
Very little actually - and since we understand this - we try to turn this into an advantage - and go close, concentrate on small, especially important parts of a larger view - while this image is '' brave'' enough to go the other way around - and it is still limited in it's view - but the approach is actually dealing with this problem.
Very nice minimal accents of light in the lower part of the sky - cool that the guy is NOT walking diagonal - but respects the his place on the outer line.
When seeing this image in connection with the other one posted today - I think the only possible change I could think about would a reverse direction of the guy walking - basically walking on the outer line of the frame - further into the image.
It is an unusual approach - but makes much sense to me - really nice.
Trond Reidar T.
Flott bilde... Men ville som nevnt kuttet litt av himmelen!
Mvh Trond
Avsluttet .
Kunne muligens kuttet en anelse av himmelen, men ikke mye! Nettopp den store, tomme himmelen som tiltrakk meg og fikk meg til å stoppe opp. Litt utradisjonelt, det liker jeg.
Gerry F.
meget fint bildet...liker utsnittet og bruk av kaien her...bra bilde!
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Not only thrilling - but excellent when thinking about transferred impressions - views.
How much can a photo show - compared with a regular sight ?
Very little actually - and since we understand this - we try to turn this into an advantage - and go close, concentrate on small, especially important parts of a larger view - while this image is '' brave'' enough to go the other way around - and it is still limited in it's view - but the approach is actually dealing with this problem.
Very nice minimal accents of light in the lower part of the sky - cool that the guy is NOT walking diagonal - but respects the his place on the outer line.
When seeing this image in connection with the other one posted today - I think the only possible change I could think about would a reverse direction of the guy walking - basically walking on the outer line of the frame - further into the image.
It is an unusual approach - but makes much sense to me - really nice.
Mvh Trond