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Pont de Pierre, Bordeaux
This is a photograph of Pont de Pierre and the UNESCO site of Saint Michel Basilica with the beautiful tower taken few weeks ago during my trip in Bordeaux.

This is the largest bell tower in France at 375 feet (114 meters) high; as for the bridge it was completed in 1822 and has 17 beautiful arches. You can see from the photo it's lined with dozens of elegant street lamps...
Bildet inngår i albumet South West France and San Sebastian - "Holidays" Pictures :)
  • Canon 5D Mark II
  • 17-40 L
  • Blenderf/22
  • Lukker15 secs
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Lars Ivarson F.

vakkert kveldsbilet..velkomponert med brua som ein svak diagonal i stilig panorma...flotters
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