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Teknisk sett og etter alle fotoregler burde dette bilde være skapere og ha et tydelig skarpt fokuspunkt. Til tross for det synes jeg det funker ...
Bildet inngår i albumet nature; shapes and form - bilder som beskriver naturens farger og former!
  • Canon EOS 300
  • -
  • Blender-
  • Nei
  • AnnetTatt med analogt kamera 35 mm, og scannet inn og behandlet i PS.
  • Exif Vis basisinfo - Vis all bildeinfo
Annen info
  • KategoriMakro/micro
  • Lastet opp
  • Visninger137
  • Nøkkelord
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Kritikker (2)
Areeya R.

Hi! Nice picture of you, in my opinion the background is too blury and also the object could be sharper but anyway it's look so cool in black, white and gray colours of you.
Kjersti E. T.

thank you. I am not allways fond of pictures this blury, but in B/W when the fokus is on one tning like this, i think it works. i know that it could be shaper, but i have been thinking a long time on this picture, and normally i would like it shaper. i dont konw why, but i like it this way in tnis particullary picture.
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