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Kritikker (5)
Henrik Eidem K.
Veldig bra! Her har du fått akkurat nok lys i ansiktet og øyetpå tross av så lys bakgrunn.

Kanskje pelsen også skulle vært i fokus? Litt usikker...

Likte også det kvadratiske formatet og fin ramme. Og fin kompisjon.

|-| e |\| r | K
Torill K.
Liker utsnittet og det intense blikket til modellen. Fint at ansiktet er lyst opp noe.

Torill :)
Grethe S.
Supert dette her. bra lys i ansikt og kontakt med modell og uttrykk er flott..

MVH Grethe
Georg K.
fint !!
Just love the tones, not sure if it was supposed to be like this, but the kind of ''magic'' line of eye - nose - mouth, the line we probably see, check most often, comes forward very strongly in this image.
To me, it even has a very sensual note to it - an amazing effect - in all this grey, withdrawn, sheltering setting.
As a matter of fact, the right side of the image is rather light-weighted, and this impression I find confirmed by the close to tilted shape ( the famous line again ).
But this is the only thing I’m able to point out as kind of potential imperfection – while in reality I really, really like this image – I like the face, I like the eye, visible from deep, deep down – I like the mouth and the almost rough skin on her cheek.
Good that it is not cut in perfect symmetry,
Fascinating the appeal of completeness in this ensemble of light and dark.
A strong frame – but this has been shown a few times before here – still, this one is special, since it appears as very personal – maybe it is the bravery of imperfection ?
Maja H.
Et portrett som virkelig falt i smak. Bra utrykk på modellen. Liker utsnittet og komposisjonen. Bra tatt.

Mvh Maja:-)
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