Paris, 1984 (I)
Bildet inngår i albumet Guys and dolls -
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  • Lagt inn: 2004-09-03 19:00:20
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  • Lagt inn: 2004-10-14 21:05:04
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Kritikker (10)
Daniel M.

Stilig! Synes dette var meget bra gjennomført.

Avsluttet .

Enig med han over - stilig og godt gjennomført.

Kristoffer L.

Takk for sist, og for handelen!

Som du ser, gjør scanneren jobben sin godt.

Ioannis L.

Trés formidable!

Praktfulle refleksjoner og treffende stemning! ;D
Kristoffer L.

En stor takk for inspirerende tilbakemeldinger!

Dette satte jeg stor pris på.

Line .

Takk for kommentaren :)
Stiling bilde. Liker det kjempegodt. Litt artig at det heter Paris og at mitt heter London :)

Georg K.

Interesting use of reflection's as part of the pictures idea - theme - plus quite tempting high quality in a laidback - but still striking clear composition.
Coupling up the theme, accent of fashion, shown on dolls and the target lifestyle surrounding as part of the aimed image is well done - and a brilliant idea. - which goes actually for both of your postings.

The part I have problems to identify s on the left side – the hanging bike ? Is this an reflection – or was it part of the decoration ?

Kristoffer L.

GK, thank you for your inspiring comment. It really means something to me.

A newbie at, I have already come across a number of your comments. They are always full of insight, and thoughtful. In my mind, you are both a brilliant art critic and an inspirational educator.

It is not difficult to imagine hearing that famous line coming from you, ''I'm going in!'' And then you actually do. You enter the picture, on its premises, penetrating it, and then reflect, interpret and comment, always sharing your thoughts generously. Very few people are capable of doing this. You are.

In my mind, your presence here must be one of this site's most valuable assets. I do hope that you feel you are receiving something back for sharing all this with the rest of us.

About the bike, this picture is now 20 years old. Honestly, I do not remember. However, just for the fun (I have got a new film scanner), I will try scanning it at a higher resolution (5400 dpi) to see if I can find something. If I do, I will post it here.
Kristoffer L.

George, indeed it is a hanging bicycle. As it seems from the crop (increased brightness), it is part of the decoration. It is impossible to tell what kind of bike it is, though. Doesn't it look a bit like a ''velociped''? I am not sure about the English term, but I am referring to the old bicycle with the giant front wheel and the tiny rear one.

I am impressed by your sense of details.
Kristoffer L.

My own sense of details has clearly let me down today. It is of course an ordinary racer bike, hanging from its front wheel.
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