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Kritikker (6)
Georg K.

Beauty people = Beauty images, seems like an easy goal - but this one has then again a bit more to offer - strong and effective colour contrast ( yellow and the light, but ''dirty'' blue of the container, yellow is a nice frame for the faces - and the pose adds the mood of ''light'', per coincidence moment.
Somewhere between portrait, fashion and expression - to me it makes living from the colour.
Georg K.

Beauty people = Beauty images, seems like an easy goal - but this one has then again a bit more to offer - strong and effective colour contrast ( yellow and the light, but ''dirty'' blue of the container, yellow is a nice frame for the faces - and the pose adds the mood of ''light'', per coincidence moment.
Somewhere between portrait, fashion and expression - to me it makes living from the colour.
Georg K.

Beauty people = Beauty images, seems like an easy goal - but this one has then again a bit more to offer - strong and effective colour contrast ( yellow and the light, but ''dirty'' blue of the container, yellow is a nice frame for the faces - and the pose adds the mood of ''light'', per coincidence moment.
Somewhere between portrait, fashion and expression - to me it makes living from the colour.
Georg K.

Beauty people = Beauty images, seems like an easy goal - but this one has then again a bit more to offer - strong and effective colour contrast ( yellow and the light, but ''dirty'' blue of the container, yellow is a nice frame for the faces - and the pose adds the mood of ''light'', per coincidence moment.
Somewhere between portrait, fashion and expression - to me it makes living from the colour.
Georg K.

Ups - sorry - this was a bit too energic - hope that someone can delete some version's ?
Avsluttet .

He he må jo smile nå:D
Her må jeg si meg enig med Georg.
Veldig bra. bildet har det ekstra.

Mikal §trøm
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